ONW - Ep 179
Survivor Series War games breakdown
Casino battle royal / no mercy rules
What are the trios rules?
The Regal situation
New MJF world title BBB
ROH final battle
Chris Jericho vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Mercedes Martinez vs. Athena
Daniel Garcia vs. Wheller Yuta
Kenny v Osprey at WK
Eric Young returning to WWE
Possible HIAC Match at the royal rumble
The Debut of Scrypts
In July 2022, Bushwhacker Luke beat the Brooklyn Brawler, ending the Brawler’s 5 year undefeated streak.
Kevin Owens Feels Indie Return is Possible Under WWE's New Regime: "Over the years I've thought 'hey man, it'd be really cool if I get to do that one day.' Now it feels like more of a possibility than ever. And that doesn't mean it's going to happen but it feels that it could now.
The Stone Cold Stunner was once called the “3:16”
Back stage incident with Roman / KO Slap / Ruptured ear drum
The rock rumored to win the royal rumble
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