Things are crazy right now, so why not shoot the shit about wrestling.
Duncan is back on the show for the first time in ages and we have a good chinwag about all of the goings on in the world of pro wrestling.
In all honesty, i dont really know what to type as the whole world seems upside down, but i think we have a good time explaining that on the show and having a laugh about wrestling.
Enjoy. Its fucking Duncan.
Owen and Matthew get tipsy and talk about wrestling.
You'll love it.
Owen and Matthew started this thing off with our friend Jordan and talked for a good bit before we wore ourselves out. Weirdly, Owen and Matthew keep the wrestling party going and get super wasted whilst doing so.
Not really sure this is any good, dont really care one way or another.
Good times with Good Brothers.
It's Owen and Matthew tonight as the pretty simply just delve into what has been going on in wrestling in the last 3 weeks.
What needs to happen next
Make Rusev great again
Bray v Taker
Joey v Kenny
FS1 and SDL
Owen and Matthew get drunk and talk about wrestling. Eat all the dicks if you dont like it.
The boys go to Vegas and take their media passes with them as they interview Glacier, Greg "the hammer" Valentine, Colt Cabana and the Blue Meanie. Enjoy this unorthodox Oh No Wrestling mobile show.
The boys meet up in Vegas for Starrcast and Double or Nothing, and Hi-jinks ensue.
We did another freestyle late night show, this time Matthew gets roped in.
We talk a bit about last weeks RAW as Owen was actually in attendance, Lars Sullivans panic attack backstage and the future of AEW.
Oh and Cenas hair.
Love ya
Owen and Duncan talk about the ups and downs in wrestling (not just WWE) in 2018.
We give our most important wrestlers in the business for the year whilst enduring constant alarms and attacks.
We then give some predictions for 2019 and what we hope or can see happening.
Much love to you all in the new year, and as always
Owen, Duncan and Matthew get together once again to talk some Wrasslin'! Tonight we discuss the recent Roman Reigns leukaemia news, WWE Crown Jewel and the possibility of the Elite joining the WWE.
We wrap some things up with some questions from our facebook group found over at
This time joined by Duncan, the gang revisits the wrestling highlights from the week and so much more.
Owen and Matthew talk about the Brie Bella incident, a possible HBK return and countless other current wrestling topics from the week.
The boys are back with a recap of our favourite Mania moments, the disaster that was the greatest royal rumble and some backlash predictions. We take your questions from the group, get boners over indie wrestling and of course celebrate another wonderful Rusev Day.
Until next time.
Welcome to another episode of the Oh No Wrestling Podcast.
Our good brother Owen is on vacation but Duncan and Matthew are here for episode 43 of ONW. On this episode we discuss the Mixed Match Challenge, the Royal Rumble, Paige's injury, ALPHA vs OMEGA, and plenty more!!
Drink it in maaaaaaan!
Owen, Duncan and Matthew talk have fun reliving the experience of all being in Atlanta and seeing a RAW together.
We discuss Roman and that IC belt
Super Kicks, D-bry matches and even Kurt Angles future.
Shelton bejamin, Jason Jordan and Balors sexy abs were even mentioned.
Join us for another episode of the Oh No Wrestling Podcast as we try to talk about everything that was suggested in our group over at:
Matthew and Owen hold down the fort, but our king of Bong Style calls in to shed some light on his thoughts on the current state of wrestling.
As always it's just a few smarts spouting off about what we love in this thing we call Professional Wrestling.
Love you all,
Join the group:
Shinsuke just beat John Cena CLEAN... Almost killed him but they did that. DRINK IT ALL IN MAN!!!
The boys are back together talking about some illegitimate kids, Shane no selling a Helicopter Crash, and Brock going back to the UFC. Plenty of other treats for you smarks in this one.
And of course, Predictions for Battle Ground.
ONW - EP 35 - Still Alive, New Japan, GBOF and More
Have you heard about Kenny Omega?
Owen is back chatting with the boys in Denver. We talk about MITB, the women's match debacle and even delve in to some NJPW with some Omega vs Okada 2 talk.
Drink it in maaaaan.
Owen and Duncan are looking for Matthew, Jinder Mahal is still the Champion and the Fashion Police are still the best thing on television. Join us as we chit chat about old guys trying to wrestle, the past weeks events and your questions from the internet.
Drink it in Maaaaaan
The boys are back with another edition of Oh No Wrestling. Tonight we talk about the greatest champion of all time Jinder Mahal, the women's upcoming MITB ladder match and the best thing in the history of pro wrestling, the fashion police. Enjoy another jaunt around the squared circle with us...
Drink it in maaaaan
Welcome to episode 28 of ONW. Join 3 dudes as they bullshit about the wonderful world of professional wrestling. No time for a full show description, just drink it in man.
Duncan and Matthew hold down the fort tonight as Owen had previous commitments in this stupid thing called life. They discuss the results of Payback and much more on another edition of Episode 27 of Oh No Wrestling.